Approved theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs have been made available to the public on Rowan Digital Works since 2015. Theses and dissertations submitted in digital format between 2010 and 2015, or submitted in paper format between 1996 and 2010 and later scanned, are also available in Rowan Digital Works.

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Theses/Dissertations from 2016


Pre-service student-teachers' perceptions of play in the early childhood classroom after research analysis with discussion-case application: a sequential explanatory mixed methods approach, Meredith Resnick


Gender differences in ADHD diagnosis, Anthony Rizzo


Partitions of finite frames, James Michael Rosado


Stories of becoming and being an associate degree nurse educator: A narrative inquiry study examining how participants' ways of knowing evolved through their experiences, Bonnie Jill Ross


Structural and dynamic analysis of wild and splice variants human µ-opiod receptors in complex with Morphine and IBNtxA and human topoisomerase II alpha mutational basis of Amsacrine resistance, Safaa Sader


Transgressive acts in an era of accountability: narratives of New Jersey's public school teachers, Gary Daniel Scavette


Modeling atypical building use with commercially available building simulation software, Sarah E. Schanck


The effect of new literacies and technology on student engagement and transforming the literacy block, Allison M. Schlupp


The effects of using direct instruction and computer-assisted instruction on teaching decoding skills to elementary students with learning disabilities, Jessica Lauren Schramm


The effects of a multiple schedule and RIRD intervention on the vocal stereotypy of a student with autism spectrum disorder, Kathleen Michelle Scully


The effectiveness of listening while reading with story mapping on the reading comprehension of students with emotional disorders, Suzanne C. Sedarat


Self-monitoring for students with disabilities, Lauren Beth Serebransky


Transcending we/they: a qualitative formative evaluation of the transformative potential of an in-district leadership development program, Jennifer Anne Sharp


Does benevolence benefit? Understanding the role of benevolent sexism sub-factors in predicting sexual aggression among men, Alyssa Nicole Shilinsky


The effects of group cohesion and experiential learning activities on participation styles in a college classroom, Elizabeth Shmikler


Scratching the surface or digging deeper: an exploration of students' attitudes toward their ethnic identity and cultural proficiency among undergraduate students at Rowan University, Danielle Simcic


Socioeconomic status and its relationship to educational resources, Christene M. Sledge


An exploration of student anxiety and the degree of ABA services, Alexis Stavros


What motivates reluctant male readers?, Cheryl Ann Tartaglione


The effects of culturally responsive instruction and multicultural texts to support fifth grade struggling readers in an RtI Tier 2 classroom, Dana Marie Teague


Comparing the effectiveness of two verbal problem solving strategies: Solve It! and CUBES, Margaret Tibbitt


Encouraging professional competency development of higher education administration graduate students through supervised student affairs practice, Andrew S. Tinnin


The effects of Orton Gillingham instructional techniques during small group instruction, Kathleen Tiver


National Association of School Psychologists approved programs applying for Nationally Certified School Psychologist, Karly Trovarelli


The Genetic Hierarchy of the Heterochronic Pathway in C. elegans, Jennifer Tsialikas