Approved theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs have been made available to the public on Rowan Digital Works since 2015. Theses and dissertations submitted in digital format between 2010 and 2015, or submitted in paper format between 1996 and 2010 and later scanned, are also available in Rowan Digital Works.
Theses approved between 1996 and 2010 are stored as bound volumes in Campbell Library and may also be online in Rowan Digital Works .Theses produced prior to 1996 are stored as bound volumes in Campbell Library only.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Contest or congruence: the effects of work/school conflict and facilitation on working college students, Madeline Mareen Miscenich
Relaxation in bolted assemblies, Samuel Augustus Moeller
Leadership development and ethnic identity of Latina/o students at Rowan University, Andrew Montanez
Do I belong? Narratives of sense of belonging and fit from underrepresented African American and Latina women in science undergraduate majors, Jacqueline Shantell Moore
Making room for play: preschool center choices, Hailey S. Morelos
Robust speaker recognition in the presence of speech coding distortion, Robert Walter Mudrosky
Evaluation of Positive Behavior Support systems as it relates to teacher satisfaction, Shawna Lyn Mulford
A mechanical study of cancer drug-receptor interactions, specifically in G-Quadruplex DNA and Topoisomerase I enzymes, Kelly Ann Mulholland
The effect of explicit teaching of inferring on the reading comprension of students with learning disabilities in middle school, Rebecca Berkowitz Muller
Affects of extracurricular activities on youth in the ASD population, Kristina Munyon
Design maps for fracture resistant functionally graded materials, Muhammad Ridwan Murshed
Landfill elevated internal temperature detection and landfill fire index assessment for fire monitoring, Aurora Musilli
Understanding the first-year student athlete experience at Rowan University: a qualitative approach, David Joseph Naphy
Bullying prevention and intervention in education through the visual arts: an instrumental case study, Eugene Neglia
The effect of the DSM changes on autism, Paris Newsome
The Role of E. coli Transcript-Cleavage Factors GRE in Transcriptional Regulation Under Hyperosmotic Stress, Kseniya Obraztsova
Online versus on-ground: student outcomes and the influence of student engagement in a college success course, Theresa Elizabeth Orosz
College student attitudes toward intercollegiate athletics at Rowan University, Donald Nathanial Parsley
Sustainable P2 design for batch-based specialty chemical manufacture, Brigitte Pastore
Organizational development and learning technology in the workplace: the migration of university reporting tools, Anne C. Pinder
Social media use and self-esteem in undergraduate students, Carly Renee Pineiro
The role of professional advising in the liberal arts, Kimberly Rose Poolos
Leadership development and involvement: a study of the 2015 Peer Referral and Orientation Staff at Rowan University, NaQuan Redd
Examining student leader involvement patterns related to academic success, Stephanie Reiley