Approved theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs have been made available to the public on Rowan Digital Works since 2015. Theses and dissertations submitted in digital format between 2010 and 2015, or submitted in paper format between 1996 and 2010 and later scanned, are also available in Rowan Digital Works.

Theses approved between 1996 and 2010 are stored as bound volumes in Campbell Library and may also be online in Rowan Digital Works .Theses produced prior to 1996 are stored as bound volumes in Campbell Library only.

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Theses/Dissertations from 2012


A study of the impact of single-gender classes on middle school students in an urban setting, Deniese Barnett-Cooper


The examination of inter-rater reliability and the reliability of attachment measures, Nicole Bayles


Gender differences associated to style and type of bullying, Elizabeth Benckert


Applying the power of social media to generate awareness and support for symphony orchestras among younger target markets, Gina Bittner


Transforming regular classroom instruction to differentiate for gifted and highly capable learners, Stephanie Brown


Academic enablers and dance: a correlation study, Kacey Burke


A glyph and animation-based visualization system for evaluation and comparison of soccer players, Edward Burns


Oral history heirlooms: vitality and substance in learning, Arlene Abate Carpenter


The role and impact of bullying bystanders in an urban school setting, Courtney Casey


Social media influence on evolving health care marketing communication, Michele Cash


Impact of the EOF Academic Coaching Program on selected first year EOF students, Calvin Cheung


The effect of the "20 Word Chant" on student sight word recall, Janine Chong


Hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ) for use in nano imprint lithography, Nathaniel Clark


The impact of social media on the access of music among Rowan University students, Douglas Cohen


Registration, attendance, and reality: African-Americans engaged in SAT preparation, Don Coleman


Engaged or just "friends": using social media for membership engagement or identity management through group affiliations, Emel Crawford


A qualitative approach to understanding the study abroad experience, Charlotte Cuss


Alerting the public during food product recalls: social media's impact on organizational reputation, Salita Demary


Effectiveness of peer interventions to develop appropriate communication skills in children with autism, Meghan Draper


Shooting for the skies: leveraging public relations to improve the image of commercial airlines, Elisa Durand


Factors influencing choice of college major: what really makes a difference?, Jill Edmonds


The effect of using technology and self-monitoring to teach basic facts to children at risk, Jennifer Ellis


Visualizing graphs with distinguishable edges and ordered binary trees in small area, Andrew Fabian


Transfer seminars: the impact on transfer student collegiate adjustment, Amanda Farina


Engineering residential learning communities: evaluating the impact on freshmen engineering students, Margaret Flynn