Theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs on the Glassboro campus have been deposited in Rowan Digital Works since 2015 and are usually available here within a few weeks of submission to the Office of Graduate Research. Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 to Glassboro campus programs were migrated from Campbell Library’s previous digital repository and are available here. Theses and dissertations produced between 1996 and 2010 have been scanned and uploaded as well. Theses produced prior to 1996 are available on the first floor of Campbell Library.

Digitized theses from the former Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS) on the Stratford campus are also included in this collection. In September 2023, the programs of this school were incorporated into the Rowan-Virtua School of Translational Biomedical Engineering & Sciences Theses and Dissertations.

If you are the author of a thesis or dissertation produced for Rowan University or Glassboro State College before 2010, or the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences before September 2023, and you do not want your document to be publicly available in Rowan Digital Works, you must complete and submit this form to request its removal from the repository.


Theses/Dissertations from 2011


A study in religious worldview and subjective well-being, Julian Affrime


Authentic literature's effect on student attitudes towards individuals with disabilities, Sara Alves


Implementing professional learning communities to improve student writing achievement, Dori Alvich


Professional development reform: a shift from traditional practices to a new paradigm, Janine Anderson


Early Maladaptive Schemas and negative life events in the prediction of depression and anxiety, Lindsay Anmuth


Social media, fan relations and the music industry: a coalition of unsigned artists and record labels, Heather Aponte


Can positive self-talk alter one's happiness?, Elizabeth Armetta


The loss of neighborhood secondary schools: how the distance a student lives from their school can affect their academic achievement, Gillian Armstrong


The development and initial validation of the Glassboro Inventory for Twelve-Step (GIFTS), Andrew Assini


The keyword method: a study of vocabulary acquisition in fifth grade, Danielle Aureli


Rate changes In risky behavior & the role of sibling influence, Julian Bajczyk


The professional learning community: an educational construct to improve student learning through effective teacher collaboration, Lynn Barberi


The Prof versus the Owl: faculty attitudes towards intercollegiate athletics at Rowan University, Robert Baumgartner


Reduction of anxiety in college students with Asperger's disorder using behavioral relaxation training, Jaclyn Bechtler


Looking to the future: an examination of the potential for SAT-optional admissions, Albert Betts Jr


The Professional Staff and Librarian Learning Community at Rowan University, Katherine Boland


Abnormal eating patterns and the relationship to dissociative experiences, Gionna Botto


Intervention and Referral Services: student and teacher support team or roadblock to special education?, Joshua Brown


The effect of media bias on legislation: a case study of Arizona's Senate Bill 1070 on immigration, Rachael Burgess


The transformation of Baccalaureate Nursing curriculum: a multicultural approach to optimize clinical competence, Sharon Burke


The effects of implementing heterogeneous writing groups in a fifth grade classroom, Jennifer Cady


The effects of using instructional games in the elementary classroom, Jennifer Campagnola


The effect of choice on the behavior of off task high school students in an alternative school setting, Laura Campbell


Activism or apathy? Selected student attitudes towards the role of civic engagement at Rowan University, Sarai Campbell


Building instructional leadership capacity of school leaders through technology integration, Joy Carey