Current theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs are submitted electronically to Rowan University's Office of Graduate Research Services and are usually available in this institutional repository within a few weeks of submission. Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 have been migrated from the library’s previous digital archives and are available here.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2004
The development of a service-learning curriculum at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Donna Jeffers Brown
Funding influences on special education program selection and implementation, Gregory Matthew Brown
Examining factors that influence elementary teachers' dress habits, Jill K. Camburn
Teacher job satisfaction and teacher burnout as a product of years of experience in teaching, Kristin A. Camilli
Using the Personality Type System to assess personality types of social workers, Stephanie Anne Canal
Implementation of a cultural diversity program in an urban Catholic male high school, Diane Casey
A study to develop and implement differentiated, hands on mathematics instruction strategies to improve student learning, Edmund F. Cetrullo Jr.
An articulation of science curricula in grades seven through twelve, Mary C. Donaldson Clark
Parent-teacher communication methods: which ones do teachers utilize, and why?, Jennifer Ann Clipper
Use of the EBSCOhost database in grades three through five, Allyson F. Cogan
The implementation of a school-wide anti-bullying program, Toni Anne Conoshenti-Johnson
Exploring the effects of teaching the character trait of respect to students in grades 4 and the impact it has on behavior during recess, Adrian C. Cora-Waters
A study of the issues and challenges in athletic administration from the perspective of Division III athletic directors, Jason Robert Crews
An investigation of the impact of early intervention and the C.H.A.M.P./GEAR-UP Program at Rowan University, Thomas A. Cruz-Soto Jr.
A comparison study of the stress levels between English language learner students and native English language speaking students, Christine J. Desrochers
Process-writing instruction in one teacher's classes and its impact on the writing of her seventh grade students, Christine M. DiCicco
NASP standards and Rowan School Psychology graduates: does knowledge transfer to on-the-job skills?, Kristine E. DiPalo
An evaluation of a character education program on students with developmental disabilities, Andrew Disque
Measuring the effects of an observational format on the professional growth of the faculty at Lake Tract School, Shelli Doran
Assessment of a newly implemented teacher induction program, Jo Ann Doyle
What is the effectiveness of the SRA Direct Guided Reading in promoting phonological awareness skills, Linda A. Ewing
Exploring the effectiveness of using instructional aides for supplemental instruction, Cheryl A. Fairchild
A study investigating the feasibility of a co-curricular leadership program at Rowan University, Christopher A. Farrell
Second language acquisition: a study of a constructivist approach to teaching versus a varied approach, and its effectiveness in a first-year Spanish class at the secondary level, Christina Di Mento Ferus
New Jersey public libraries and funding, Mary Elizabeth Reeves Fine
Mentoring, training, and true induction of new teachers, Lea Fitzpatrick
The relationship between living situation and diagnosed disability in maltreated children, Jaime Fleigel
The use of blocking software or Internet filters in southern New Jersey public libraries, Suzi I. Freedman
The comparison of social and academic support services for regular and specially admitted African American females at a predominantly white institution, Corinne J. Gibson
Site-based management: a principal's strategy for success, Maria Gioffre
Individual learning versus group learning in a suburban second-grade classroom, Devonn Grimm
A study of the relationship between Let Me Learn and process writing: a qualitative analysis, Grace D. Hagan
Academic dishonesty: a study in the magnitude of and justifications for academic dishonesty among college undergraduate and graduate students, Bryan Hendricks
The relationship between administrators' learning patterns and leadership competencies, Mark Hendricks
The benefits of an in-school suspension program, Dianne M. Hickey
A study of the factors of home life that are common among students in special education which may influence behavior problems in school, Jenise R. Hillian
Parental ability to support their children's education of mathematics, Jenny M. Honold
K-8 reconfiguration of a middle school and its impact on the Grade Eight Proficiency Assessment, Samuel C. Hull
Retaining students: is it for gaining or restraining?, Terence Johnson
Positive reinforcement as an intervention for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and schizoid personality disorder, Dana H. Kagan
Young adult public library services in southern New Jersey, Lesa Keener
An investigation of the effect of an educational program on students' decision to use birth control, Christine King
The effect of graphic organizers on the academic achievement of fourth grade students, Stephanie Kirschbaum
Teacher management of homophobia and homosexuality in high schools, Sarah Elizabeth Kiyak
The efficiency of a long range facilities plan in an Abbott school district, Nancy B. Knarr-Pascoe
A study investigating parental obsessive-compulsive disorder of children with autism, Kristy Kratz
The effects of Success for All as a whole school reform on the GEPA scores in a particular Abbott District, Lisa R. Labbree
The perceptions of school safety and discipline and how these perceptions affect teaching methods and strategies, James J. Lapsley
Motivating elementary school students in literacy: a study on discussion groups, Beth A. Lawrence
An investigation on implementing and maintaining an effective and efficient school-based student intervention program, Derek Macchia
An investigation of the tools and strategies used to present multiple perspectives in the classroom, Christopher P. Madden
Children of divorce versus children of intact families and their adjustment to college, Kimberly Martin
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the method used to teach critical thinking skills, Kristen L. May
An assessment of the effectiveness of the POW plus TREE and COPS writing strategies, Deborah A. McLaughlin
Role of the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards in the 4th grade classrooms of Salem County, NJ, J. Michael McQueston
Voter apathy: why does it exist and what can be done to overcome it?, Margaret F. Meehan
A study of the relationships between oral comprehension and silent reading comprehension, Christine M. Menold
The use of the Socratic method in a contemporary high school classroom in developing problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision making skills, Anna Schneider Muessig
Professional development and technology integration: a case study of teachers using an informating model, Jennifer L. Mufferi
Aerobic exercise as a tool to improve problematic student behavior in the classroom, Joseph F. Mufferi
A study to determine if multimedia technologies in a regular classroom enhance learning and motivation, Carol Murphy
An investigation into truancy reduction without increasing the drop out rate, Phillip C. Neff Jr.
Personality and the effective teaching disposition: an exploratory study, Laura G. Norton
A study of the Renaissance Program in a high school, Christopher J. Nowak
Looking at the impact of parental involvement on student learning, Carly H. Oliver
The effect of different-sex and same-sex cooperative learning groups on achievement, Jennifer L. Olshefski
Good citizens: how student council impacts socialization norms at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School Complex, Darren W. Palmer
An investigation of Rowan University students' attitudes toward homosexuality, AnnMarie Panarello
A study of overrepresentation of minorities in special education in southern New Jersey public schools, Carol Phister
A study of cooperative relationships between small business development centers and public libraries, Nancy Polhamus
The impact of block scheduling on special education student learning in high school mathematics, William C. Porch Jr.
A study of the effectiveness of self-management as a form of behavior modification, Erica M. Predmore
The effects of NCLB on Whitehall Elementary School, Cynthia T. Pritchett
A study to assess motivational factors in pursuing higher education: a multicultural perspective, Reta R. Ramos-Rios
The relationship between the time spent reading at home with parents and reading achievement, Robbin F. Reed
Team Step Up Program, Edward V. Regan III
The efficacy of bridging middle school to high school programs for the improvement of ninth grade performance, Brian Repici
A study of the female formation of identity during the high school years: a qualitative analysis, Elisabeth C. Rigney
Implementing a study skills program in secondary school: what needs to be done?, Margaret R. Ritson
A study of the creation of a pupil assistance committee improvement plan that facilitates an effective committee by utilizing a collaborative leadership approach, Donald M. Robertson III
A study of the effect of a homework club on the completion of homework by students with and without learning disabilities, Marlene Cosenza Rolfe
The effects of confidence and intention to learn on performance in reading comprehension tests, Anthony John Rosamilia
Gesture: nonverbal communication between teachers and students, Christina Roviello
The impact of the closed circuit television program on the communication process at the Chelsea Heights School, Stephen Lee Sabatini
An evaluation of the effectiveness of the accelerated math program at Monongahela Middle School, John F. Schilling
Protecting our most valuable resources, Douglas S. Schmitt
The responsive classroom, Colleen Schroeder
The development and implementation of a secondary peer mentoring program, Derryk Sellers
Special education students' perceptions of inclusion versus pull-out placements, Jennifer L. Shaw
Using applied behavior analysis to increase compliance with a child with autism, Rachael Simon
A study of the effect of social skills training on the display of physical and verbal aggression in students with behavior disorders, Antonio Singletary
Integrating technology into the middle school social studies curriculum, Dawn Stewart
Evaluating the implementation of the AVID program at Pemberton Township High School, Danielle T. Strother
Teacher and student attitudes towards multicultural issues, Nathan Taraska
The effect of stress on female collegiate athletes' alcohol consumption, Holly M. Thornton
The effectiveness of instruction in a third grade classroom utilizing the theory of multiple intelligence, Matthew W. Whitaker
An investigation of the correlation between learning and student achievement of minority students, Melissa Williams