Current theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs are submitted electronically to Rowan University's Office of Graduate Research Services and are usually available in this institutional repository within a few weeks of submission. Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 have been migrated from the library’s previous digital archives and are available here.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Evaluation and implementation of a new teacher mentoring program, Tracey M. Eagan
The connection between gender and literacy in a first grade classroom, Jessica V. Feldman
Disproportionate representation of minority students in the special education program at the Kingsway Regional School District, Anthony J. Fitzpatrick
An experimental study in promoting collaborative instructional activities, Kathleen Galarza
An exploratory investigation of the facility maintenance program at Sterling Regional High School, Brenden D. Garozzo
Special education remediation programs promote HSPA success, Diane L. Garrison
School library media specialists who provide in-service training for teachers, Stephanie S. Gaughan
A multi-faceted approach to high quality professional development, Meg A. Gawalis
Feasibility of privatizing custodial services, Thomas P. Grossi
The effective use of manipulatives and color coding in the achievement and application of music reading skills of third grade recorder students, Kathy J. Gunsallus-Donachy
Scheduling methods for effective school library media centers in K-8 school districts, Rose F. Hagar
Peer mentoring: providing a partnership for guidance through school, Geoff Haines
Impact of the lack of sleep on academic performance in college students, Tammy L. Hampton
Teacher directed collaboration: effects on referrals to special education, Lindsey Harbert
Thirty days until the prom, Henry J. Hartman IV
Computer use in preschool: effects on social interactions, Teresa Hartner
How to create a successful team teaching partnership, Travis Haskins
The first year foreign language program in an elementary school, Sean Hengst
Response to gender in the classroom: a look at a teacher's reaction to her students and its effect, Victoria A. Henwood
Communication responses to positive or neutral facial expressions between the genders, Kimberly R. Hollingsworth
A new beginning teacher induction program, Thomas P. Jones
Tracking student discipline referrals and providing additional support to students in order to decrease student discipline problems, Katherine Jasmin Keramidaris
Homosexual prejudice: comparing self-report to perceived interaction, Megan C. Kleefeld
A study investigating the comparative effects of an audiation pause in tonal pattern training on fourth and fifth grade children, Melodey A. Kleva-Forchic
The effectiveness of a multicultural awareness day program, Anne-Sophie I. Kruse-Guth
Does birth order affect intelligence?, Carolyn M. Lambert
Statewide assessment: its impact on the educational world, Erin M. Lanigan
GLBTQ characterization in young adult novels, 1998-2004, Debra I. LeCates
Effects of teachers' active role in Accelerated Reader with elementary students, Sarah L. Lenko
Using functional behavioral assessment to support an elementary student with challenging behavior in a self-contained classroom, Alan Leonardi
Determining the effectiveness of two new reading programs in the Lower Alloways Creek School, Linda A. Levitsky
Roles and expectations in inclusion, Maryellen Lomurno
Memorial School & MAP: how did it do?, Brian Z. London
A study of the role of gender in the classroom, Ryan Ann Malloy
A longitudinal study on the effectiveness of preschool special education, Kimberley L. Maneval
Peer mediation program evaluation, Maria M. Marano
Visual motor coordination and reading: a correlational analysis part II, Marita C. Marcionese
The effectiveness of Successmaker for Title I students in grades three and four, Lynn Marcus
A study of culturally diverse materials in elementary school media centers, Marie E. Mawson
The schoolwide implementation of Schools Attuned, a professional development program dedicated to meeting the needs of diverse learners, Lauren Hegge McGroarty
An investigation of the effectiveness and perceptions of middle school inclusion programs, Maria S. McKeown
Computer use and integration of middle school teachers, Susan Panco Medio
Effective parental communication enhances parental perception of school, Courtney P. Monillas
An exploratory investigation of the effects of prewriting on fifth grade students' writing ability, Katie Montegary
A school library collection analysis focused on resources available for fifth grade research topics, Carol A. Moroz
An exploratory investigation of charter schools and special education, Kimberly Mulligan
An investigation of the increase in phonemic awareness in kindergarten students who were exposed to word sort activities, Karen S. Münch
Reaching out @ your library™: communication practices of New Jersey high school library media specialists, Lisa B. Mutter
Occupational stress in child protection social workers, Kristina M. Narcum
A helping hand: a mentoring program between staff and students, Beth Frances Norcia
A study investigating the college choice process of selected freshmen minority undergraduate students at Rowan University, Philip K. Oware
Evaluating the web sites of county public libraries in New Jersey for Hispanic accessibility, Geraldine Paolini
A study of the academic achievement of fifth grade bilingual students in English-only classes, Karen Pritchard
Peer coaching for history teachers at Oakcrest High School, James M. Reina
The effects of school uniforms on self esteem, Jennifer Rodriguez
Standardized educational assessments: the effects on teachers in a South Jersey elementary school, Ashley P. Root
The effectiveness of the Wilson Reading Program in improving spelling and decoding skills of a selected sample of special needs children, Helen E. Rosica
The effects of subliminal weapons effect on aggressive behavior in college level students, Gary A. Roskoski
Techniques used by elementary library media specialists to teach authors and illustrators, Carol A. Sabol
Teachers' insights on character education, Meghan Kristin Salowe
The preparation of special needs students for transition from high school to a post-secondary college setting, Christine M. Saputo
An exploration of the impact of working individually versus working collectively on stress and performance, Shari L. Satow
The effect of learning centers and interactive bulletin boards on student vocabulary word knowledge, Kristin Marie Schleher
A study examining the effect of multi-sensory stimulation on the descriptive writing of fourth grade students, Karen L. Scott
Public school uniforms: will school uniforms fit the growing needs of a regional high school?, Jeanette Seeman
Identifying social, cultural, and pedagogical factors that contribute to minority students' low academic achievement, Deborah C. Shoemaker
Directional, identification, and orientation signage in eight southern New Jersey public libraries, Rachel Simmons
Computer based technology used by faculty members at Vineland High School South, Diane C. Stokes
The effects of small group mathematical instruction, Theresa A. Storms
Barriers to young adult patronage of public libraries: a survey of New Jersey librarians, Deborah A. Swierk
The aftermath of implementing a standards-based curriculum in a K-8 district: Is there a correlation between hands-on instruction and math scores?, Lynne M. Triantos
The impact of classroom environment on student learning, Amy A. Turano
Primary concerns for successful inclusion, Ellen M. Ward
Increasing expressive vocabulary through non-traditional instruction, Lisa C. Washart
The effects of the Accelerated Reader program on the reading habits and reading frequencies of fourth grade students, Kathleen Wendt
Teaching pro-social skills to help young children at risk to succeed in inclusive education, Susan M. Weston
Teachers' and students' perceptions of the effectiveness of a middle school bully patrol, Arnold Jeffrey White
Mentoring of at-risk students in an elementary setting, Emily Withstandley
New Jersey's school funding policy from 2002 to the present and its impact on student achievement, Marjorie M. Workman
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Revising the teacher evaluation system for Estell Manor School, Dianna C. Abraham
Reinforcements as an intervention in children with bipolar disorder, Rachel Agin
A case study: the effectiveness of an in-school suspension program at Cherokee High School, Scott D. Agnew
The future of print and electronic periodicals in high school media centers, Judy Angelo
The hidden library curriculum: children's electronic pathfinder analysis and information literacy skills, Collette Baldasare
Identifying at-risk students and providing them with leadership opportunities to create a bullying prevention program, Jennifer R. Baldwin
The effect of a mentoring program on the self-esteem of first year, learning disabled college students, Nathanael I. Barnes
A study of teachers' and administrators' perceptions of collaborative teaching, Ritaanna Bell
Self-regulated strategy development: a cognitive strategies approach to persuasive writing, Amy I. Bennet
Factors influencing the educational and occupational choices of women, Jennifer Bertino
School service projects for students serving in after-school detentions, James S. Beyer
The effects of an integrated whole language and phonics-based instructional spelling program on student spelling ability and self-concept, Kimberly B. Biberman
A study examining the effects of athletics on females' mathematical achievement, Genevieve M. Bieg
A study of a self-monitoring intervention to increase on-task behavior and productivity, Susan A, Biglin
Changing school culture: a primary literacy initiative, all hands on deck, Veronica Boone-Gbesi
Developing, implementing and evaluating the effectiveness of a code of conduct, Letitia Branin
The No More Bullies Club: will it reduce bullying in school?, Diane R. Brennan-Bernstein