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Theses/Dissertations from 2002


Instituting issue-based civics in the 11th grade classroom, Nicholas J. DiBlasi and Carissa Larkin


The roles and prevalence of communication research in selected southern New Jersey school bond referenda, Paul Dice


New Egypt High School's single lunch: "It's common sense", Joseph DiPietro


The effects of the direct instruction with computer-assisted instruction in reading for students with learning disabilities, Arlene M. Dowd


Characterization of structural changes in thermally enhanced Kevlar-29® Fiber, James W. Downing Jr.


Electronic Teacher Portfolio, Linda H. Drucker and Marguerite A. Paolone


The effect of different modes of communication for the deaf student on verbal achievement, Maureen A. Dugan


Study of the use of telecommunications in the classroom, Ed Ewing


The effect of sports on self-concept: a comparison of students in a special education resource room who participate in sports and students in a special education resource room who do not participate in sports, Meredith Fiori


The effects of social problem-solving training in an inclusive kindergarten classroom, Kimberly R. Fontana


Dual diagnosed clients and rate of relapse, Michele Fredericks


A study of the continuing library education patterns of public librarians in New Jersey, Mathew J. Freund


Implementing a bully prevention program at the sixth grade level, Janis E. Gansert


The effectiveness of teaching moral development on the ethical decisions of first and second grade children, Anna M. Grant


An evaluation of the effectiveness of the McGraw-Hill Mathematics Series for use with inclusion students, Margaret C. Green


Using self-management strategies to increase on-task behavior of students with ADD/ADHD, Carolyn M. Porretta Grossi


Increasing social relationships among kindergartners using peer reporting, Christine A. Gruenler


Surveying the future: an innovative tool for expressing stakeholder vision as demonstrated in Lawrence Township public schools, Jessica Reynolds Haviland


Design a discipline code with staff that reflects board policy and provides a framework for the change of a school from K-5 to K-4, Margaret L. Haynes


The effects of self-esteem instruction for children with disabilities, James Henderson


A study of self-esteem in middle children, Louise Henshaw


Implementing a teacher mentor program, Nan L. Holland


Summer school safety net: a chance for all to achieve, Denise Horton


Extrinsic/intrinsic motivational study, Steven R. Howard


The marketing of major league soccer, Bruce G. Hummer Jr.