Approved theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs have been made available to the public on Rowan Digital Works since 2015. Theses and dissertations submitted in digital format between 2010 and 2015, or submitted in paper format between 1996 and 2010 and later scanned, are also available in Rowan Digital Works.
Theses approved between 1996 and 2010 are stored as bound volumes in Campbell Library and may also be online in Rowan Digital Works .Theses produced prior to 1996 are stored as bound volumes in Campbell Library only.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Academic achievement team - a school within a school program: does specialized remediation increase test scores?, Donald F. Mills
Kindergarten to fourth grade student code of conduct, Carrieann L. Molnar
A comparative study of third-grade students' use of children's web directories, Kristin Montanero
Gender role differences in relation to family of origin, Laura M. Moran
The effects of viewing television violence on school children, Jennifer M. Morgan
An exploratory study of how public relations practitioners and journalists need, perceive and deceive one another, Jamie Leigh Mufalli
The relationship of biological parent or relative involvement and academic success among special education students, James Murtaugh
A study of the effectiveness of a structured tutoring program on student reading skills, Rita M. Neyer
Automated segmentation of radiodense tissue in digitized mammograms using a constrained Neyman-Pearson classifier, Jeremy Thomas Neyhart
Multiculturalism and the media: using racially motivated films to increase attitudes about race, Nacovin J. Norman
Handedness distribution in a transitional first grade population, Susan Paladino
Communication tactics for empowering employees: a guidebook for organizations and managers, Todd Michael Pasley
Directed teaching and constructivist teaching and technology, Brandy Patch
The identification of best practices for teaching students with limited English proficiency and degree of implementation in Salem and Cumberland counties, Alice Nezu Peterson
A novel membrane process for autotrophic denitrification, Agnieszka Pierkiel
Parental involvement and its effects on student academic achievement, Kevin G. Pinkett
The effects of grouping in social studies on the enjoyment, motivation, and successful learning when reading informative texts, Pamela D. Pitt
A comparative study of marketing planning in higher education: is it a trend?, Janice L. Powers
Multiple intelligences and teachers' use of the school library media center, Jacqueline Albright Pugh
Enhancing teacher education through the use of technology, Tracey Reed
A study of how school board members acquire their knowledge of educational issues, Susan L. Rice
The effects of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) to decrease impulsive behaviors and increase self-management skills of children with autism, Lori A. Rizzo-Wise