Theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs on the Glassboro campus have been deposited in Rowan Digital Works since 2015 and are usually available here within a few weeks of submission to the Office of Graduate Research. Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 to Glassboro campus programs were migrated from Campbell Library’s previous digital repository and are available here. Theses and dissertations produced between 1996 and 2010 have been scanned and uploaded as well. Theses produced prior to 1996 are available on the first floor of Campbell Library.

Digitized theses from the former Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS) on the Stratford campus are also included in this collection. In September 2023, the programs of this school were incorporated into the Rowan-Virtua School of Translational Biomedical Engineering & Sciences Theses and Dissertations.

If you are the author of a thesis or dissertation produced for Rowan University or Glassboro State College before 2010, or the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences before September 2023, and you do not want your document to be publicly available in Rowan Digital Works, you must complete and submit this form to request its removal from the repository.


Theses/Dissertations from 1999


Using technology to create partnerships among school libraries and public libraries, Karen M. Puckett


Comparative study on the incidence of school-related violent crimes in urban, suburban, and rural locales, Trina C. Ragsdale


Comparing the stress levels of inclusion teachers and non-inclusion teachers, Michelle Lynne Robertson


Acquiring automaticity of basic math facts and the effect that this has on overall mathematic achievement, Sandra S. Robinson


The importance of morale in the workplace, Allison Rohner


How to be an effective lobbyist: a handbook, Yolette Cabrini Ross


Tae Kwon Do achievement and locus of control, Michael Sansone


Analyzing and improving team teaching practices in Southampton Township Schools, Susan C. Schaal


Internet filtering vs. unrestricted access in public libraries and school media centers in southern New Jersey, Elizabeth A. Sevast


Developing and implementing a daily schedule which promotes professional collaboration and meets the needs of the students at the Lakeside Middle School in Millvile, New Jersey, Scott M. Sheppard


The relationship between learning process and students who play a band instrument, Tinamarie C. Stanfa


Improving student bus behavior in an elementary school through the use of video cameras and an incentive program, Mary L. Steinhauer-Kula


Cochlear implants, a study of children implanted prelingually and postlingually: what age best facilitates oral language development, Lisa A. Stillwagon


Retesting parent training: does parental training increase parents' self-concept, Ronald G. Stockwell


A Title IX assessment for the athletic department at Salem High School, David W. Suiter


Junior high in-class support: a program evaluation, Louise Sullivan


Implementing a peer mediation program to reduce discipline problems in Pine Hill Schools, Pamela Bates Thomas


A study of the effectiveness of peer tutoring on mathematics achievement of fifth grade students, Kareem J. Thompson


A model for instructional change: an approach in inquiry-based science education, Kimberly Thompson


Changing the image of vocational education, Laura Timberman


Interest attitude survey towards a block scheduling change in secondary schools, Diane Tucker


The effects of music and clothing on youths' ideological development, Troy Turner


The multiage classroom, Gertrude E. Ward


What effect will increased parental involvement in science/biology at Woodrow Wilson High School have on the improvement of students academically?, LaSandra Watkins


Changing destinies: an overview of the Human Genome Project, Jennifer Lynne Watson