Approved theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs have been made available to the public on Rowan Digital Works since 2015. Theses and dissertations submitted in digital format between 2010 and 2015, or submitted in paper format between 1996 and 2010 and later scanned, are also available in Rowan Digital Works.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Self-reflection among teachers of culturally diverse learners: An intervention study exploring the influence of cultural identity, Susan A. Dube
Assessing the functions of prescription stimulant abuse among college students, Matthew J. Dwyer
Cooperative grouping in the inclusive STEM classroom, Catherine M. Elsey
An analysis of high school students' self-efficacy in second language acquisition through digital language lab learning: Exploring new pathways to proficiency, Lorna A. Fairess
The effect of classwide peer tutoring on the skill performance and fitness levels of students with disabilities in an elementary physical education inclusion class, Christopher Farrell
The influence of Pentecostal social networks on Latino student college choice, Michael J. Farrow
Effects of cooperative learning strategies on the academic self-concept of special education students, Leah Flora Feldman
The effectiveness of character education on student behavior, Katie M. Ferrara
The effects of peer mediated instruction on students' knowledge of basic math facts, Jazmine Fields
Reducing suspension rates in Camden, New Jersey, Christina Fleming
Synthesizing galactose modified polymeric nanoparticles for biofilm inhibition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Tyler R. Flockton
The influence of fraternity and sorority membership on retention and GPA at Rowan University, Arthur Gathercole Jr.
An assessment of IRB member values using the IRB Researcher Assessment Tool, Andrew Gerber
College readiness: The disconnect between high school and community college, Elizabeth C. Giacobbe
Persistence of veteran students at Cumberland County College, LaToya Latisha Gibbons
The effects of using mini whiteboards on the academic performance and engagement of students in a tenth grade resource English/Language Arts classroom, Elizabeth Catherine Gimbutas
Implementation of literacy strategies and the impact on word problems, Lindsey R. Glick
The effectiveness of Google Classroom in the self-contained chemistry classroom, Steven J. Gross
A study of catalytic microcombustion for a portable power supply device, Bhanuprakash Reddy Guggilla
Integrating technology into the literacy curriculum within a first grade classroom, Christina M. Hargrove
Fabrication of enhanced carbon based biocompatible and biodegradable microelectronic materials derived from lignocellulosic biomass, Harrison Thomas Hawkins
The effect of leadership programs on engagement, Megan Ann Henry
A Dedicated Chaperone Mediates the Safe Transfer of Mitoribosomal Proteins to Their Site of Assembly, Gabrielle Ashley Hillman
White faculty perceptions of diversity and diversity work, Ariane Hutchins-Newman
The effectiveness of growth mindset strategies on off-task time in a special education mathematics classroom, Alisa Marie Ialacci