Current theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs are submitted electronically to Rowan University's Office of Graduate Research Services and are usually available in this institutional repository within a few weeks of submission. Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 have been migrated from the library’s previous digital archives and are available here.
As of 9/29/16, theses and dissertations produced between 1996 and 2010 have been scanned and uploaded. If you are the author of a Rowan University (or Glassboro State College) thesis or dissertation produced before 2010, and you do not want your document to be publicly available in Rowan Digital Works, you must complete and submit this form to request its removal from the repository.
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
The effects of technology use in a third grade inclusion classroom, Jamie C. Ott
Kindergarteners' use of oral language when interacting with texts, Carrie Lee Owens
Intramural sports leadership: Exploring the impact of being an intramural sports official on leadership skills, Shan Yu Paracka
Town-gown sense of community in campus-adjacent neighborhoods: A mixed methods study, Andrew Perrone
Enhancing generalization of social skills with students with significant disabilities, Joseph John Prenenski
The lived experiences of Black men creating a third space at a predominantly White institution, Steven E. Radwanski
Program evaluation of Greek showcase events at Rowan University, Xochil R. Ramirez
The implementation and effectiveness of Tier 2 Response to Intervention reading comprehension in 4th grade, Christine Renee Reichert
The effects of the station teaching model of co-teaching on students with learning disabilities, Kathryn A. Ruoff
An investigation of first-generation student experiences and their career development, Desiree Saraceno
A needs assessment for programming for adult undergraduate students at Rowan University, Jennifer V. Savage
The effects of Response to Intervention on reducing the numbers of African American students in special education, Kimberly Savino
Kindergarten students' interactions with texts during independent reading, Tracy L. Schaper
The lived experience of a freshman female collegiate student-athlete, Kaitlin Schullstrom
Culture matters: professional development and the implementation of culturally responsive pedagogy, Leslie M. Septor
Measuring undergraduate student satisfaction as an indicator of customer service in higher education, Sanaz Shahi
Effects of online program vs. handheld flashcards on multiplication and division fact knowledge of 4th grade learners with exceptional needs, Lindsay M. Siegman
Perceptions of mattering and marginality: A study of international students at Rowan University, Katelyn Sullivan
Self-questioning in writing, Erin Lynn Thomas
The effectiveness of a digital iPad curriculum in the classroom, Erin Marie Warantz
Yoga and mindfulness in the self-contained classroom, Deborahlee M. Wehner
Gender and organizational citizenship behavior in library technology: Mixed methods study, Sharon Whitfield
The effects of station teaching on academic achievement, attention and focus of students with learning disabilities in an inclusive classroom, Jacqueline M. Wraight
How third grade students respond to the multiple perspectives in read alouds of critical texts, Kathryn Elizabeth Zeck
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Strangers in a strange land: A phenomenological study of ELL students' experiences with anxiety, Gary Steven Abbott
Exploring educational leadership in New Jersey: A case study of AchieveNJ and principal practice in a public school setting, James Altobello
The impact of a values clarification process on the factors associated with retention of historically underrepresented students at a public university, Jose Antonio Aviles
Religious identity and sense of belonging among Rowan University Muslim students, Omar Aziz
Faculty attitudes of diversity and cultural awareness in higher education, Daniel G. Banks
Effects of Quizlet on vocabulary mastery, Suzanne C. Baptist
The persistence of the associate degree nursing student: The lost nurse, Stella A. Barber
Close reading strategies applied by English Language Learners when reading challenging content area texts, Laura Barry
Mental illness, recovery, and employment: A grounded theory, Francine M. Bates
Educating invisibly: Immigrant teachers of color and their sense of belonging in New Jersey public schools, Mirjam L. Biegen
Effects of using Fundations to teach phonics skills with fourth grade students with exceptional learning needs, Jennifer Bishop
Students with disabilities attitudes regarding accommodations and services provided by Disability Services, Yvonne Blackwell
Students and sexual orientation: A study of students and their development at higher educational institutions, Diamond Bolden
Fourth grade students' use of active reading strategies during Independent Daily Reading Time, Stephanie Bradfield
The effect of Imagine Math on high school students with learning disabilities, Danielle Cabassa
Institutional advancement at Historically Black Community Colleges: A multi-case study, Lakeisha S. Carter
How do students structure their silent reading when situated in inquiry based pedagogy?, Michelle Cohen
What career development practitioners share with first-generation college students: a grounded theory study of self-disclosure in career counseling, Pamela Eve Cohen
Understanding the experiences of adjunct nursing faculty in the curriculum development process: a qualitative case study, Laurie Ann Colborn
The effectiveness of the keyword method on foreign language vocabulary for students with learning disabilities, Jessica Anna Consiglio
Veteran students transitions into higher education using Chickering's seven vector development theory, Taryn Marie Cooper
Mattering versus marginality: African American student perspective at Rowan University, Dante Dandridge
A study of National Pan-Hellenic Council members and inclusivity of Greek life of Rowan University, Alesha L. DeBose
The impact of social and academic integration in developmental education, L. Marie Dionisi
The effect of social stories on the positive play behaviors and social interactions of preschool students with developmental disabilities, Lauren Lee DiVittorio
Research based co-teaching practices and their realization in the New Jersey high school classroom, Thomas K. Donovan
The effectiveness of student choice of self-monitoring, Victoria Dougherty
Picture books in high school: how picture books impact student understanding of revolutionary literature curriculum, Larae Drinkhouse
Out and queer: independent school teachers navigating the personal and professional, Caroline C. Dunnell
Using graphic organizers to improve science outcomes, Deana Lynn Elwood
Rowan Unified Sports: Impact on student volunteers through the lens of transformative learning, Mariah Francisco
The effectiveness of close reading strategies on the expository text comprehension of students with learning disabilities, Michelle Giambrone
How choice in daily independent reading affects book talks with peers, Deirdre Rae Glynn
Examining the relationship between teacher leadership perception and professional learning community engagement, Laura Elizabeth Godlesky
Background knowledge conversations about informational text, Vanessa Gottesfeld
A study of cultural awareness and transformative learning through participation in study abroad, Desirae Gould
Student satisfaction related to the campus residential experience, Renee Raisa Grant
Examining STEAM implementation through the lens of organizational learning, William Louis Grillo
Utilizing series books as a vehicle to cultivate motivation and reading development in literature circles, Heather E. Guerci
High school age students with disabilities and social interaction in a general education physical education setting, Kelsey B. Hannan
Determining job satisfaction and motivation of student affairs professionals who transition into academic affairs, Angel Jesus Hernandez
Latino immigrant family involvement: Feelings of belongingness and attachment in an urban elementary school, Christel Marie Hibbard Pond
Autism's affect on the family, Jason L. Hicks
Exploring the impact of the associate degree on bachelor's degree completion for reverse transfer eligible students using propensity score matching, Justin Aaron Hull
Transition Experiences: Feelings of Mattering Among Military Students at Rowan University, Marisa Israel
Superintendents reclaiming instructional leadership: Shared patterns and practices, Valerie James-Kemp
Race to the top: An investigation of the challenges African American males face in higher education, Samuel W. Jay
Peer tutoring for vocabulary for students with disabilities, Martin P. Kavanagh
The effects of computer assisted instruction for students with learning disabilities in a self-contained social studies setting, Ryan V. Keane
The effects of self-monitoring of behavior on academic achievement, Meredith Keller
Use of peer buddies in adaptive physical education, Jessica Lynn Kotelnicki
The effect of cross age tutoring on math fact automaticity using students with disabilities as tutors, Wendy L. Krayer
Development of graduate health science students' clinical reasoning: A qualitative study, Diane Laverty
The development and training of resident assistants at Rowan University, Anthony Furey Leva
The effects of a leveled literacy intervention (LLI) on elementary-age students reading below grade level, Jennifer Majewski
Academic and social adaptation through a college success course: A case study of second semester students at a suburban community college in northern New Jersey, Jenny Pamela Marcenaro
Effects of Universal Design for Learning math menus on seventh grade students, Mona L. Mauro
Increasing writing skills for students with significant multiple disabilities, Heather Lyne McDermott
The implementation of positive behavior supports to reduce student elopement, Melanie McGlone
The most efficient and effective ways to address new literacies for the 21st century classroom, Catherine Elizabeth McGowan
Effects of reciprocal teaching in guided reading with third grade students with specific poor comprehension, Sharon R. McLaren
The impact of race, gender, and class on career development: perceptions of African American women, Nicole Milan-Tyner
A conceptual study on effective independent reading practices to foster an enjoyment of reading, Diana Mitchell
Cultural humility: A qualitative study on the development of self-awareness in social work educators, Nicole Moore-Bembry
The effectiveness of using online discussion boards for students with learning disabilities in an American Literature II resource classroom, Eric S. Morley
Seeking external funding: Experiences of selected full-time faculty at Rowan University, Lacey Taylor Murphy
Using wordless picture books to develop oral language skills with kindergarten students, Jennifer M. Natale
Perceptions of teachers who engage in social media networking: a multiple case study, Celese Nolan
Black male teachers: retention and importance in New Jersey, Charles Anthony Ozuna
Reading, thinking, developing responses: an investigation of independent reading in a first grade classroom, Heather Pence
Educators' perspectives on school family involvement within the context of a PAT structure: A qualitative case study, Marisol Perez
Catholic school teachers' perceptions of factors related to low mathematics achievement: a qualitative case study, Andrzej Robert Piotrowski