Current theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs are submitted electronically to Rowan University's Office of Graduate Research Services and are usually available in this institutional repository within a few weeks of submission. Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 have been migrated from the library’s previous digital archives and are available here.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Transfer student involvement: Patterns of involvement at Rowan University, Marissa Porter
Using a culturally responsive approach to shared reading, Elizabeth A. Procida
The effectiveness of rotated centers during a reading block for students with learning disabilities, Stacey B. Robinson
What happens when multi-disabled students are presented with functional sight words in the real world opposed to the classroom?, Jennifer Nicole Roselli
Improving student engagement and acceptance using multicultural texts, Bianca Rouse
Writing fiction during writing workshop in first grade, Maureen Kelly Rowan
Student leaders' involvement and the impact on their eating habits, Carly Jill Samuels
Helping children overcome reading difficulties using Response to Intervention, Corinne M. Sannino
Active parental involvement and college and career readiness: A qualitative study, Tarah Pearson Santaniello
Teacher perspectives on social thinking, Kelley Yankowski Sarnelle
The effects of using a whiteboard interactively in a middle school mathematics classroom, Joshua H. Schneider
A qualitative case study on delegation of school nursing practice: school nurses, teachers, and paraprofessionals perspectives, Sharon L. Schofield
Using a shared vocabulary to teach key qualities of good writing in a fourth grade classroom, Kristi Schoppe
Fiscal inequity: A case study of superintendents and business managers in Pennsylvania high poverty school districts, Vanessa Renee Scott
Transition, mattering and marginality: Deaf students in a hearing institution, Kaitlin Shaginaw
A qualitative study on the effects of second grade students forming partnerships with their teacher and peers to set reading goals, Sandra L. Shevlin
An exploratory research on aesthetic reading of a multicultural novel in a book club setting amongst fifth grade students, Kasey Leigh Stevens
Utilizing the marriage of image and text to improve narrative writing in urban elementary students, Sharon Sullivan-Rubin
The awareness of Rowan University undergraduate students regarding dating violence, Sarah Tam
Making college admission count: the importance of admission criteria in the current undergraduate admission process, Amanda Rachel Tessler
The value of non-scholarship community college athletics in New Jersey: a student-athlete and administrator perspective, Anthony Joseph Trump
An examination of the obstacles that impact adult students' performance in workforce development medical assistant training programs: A case study, Marianne Van Deursen
Exploring teachers' self-efficacy about technology use in learning design and student performance in mathematics: A qualitative study about math anxiety, Sandra B. Vorensky
How cultural responsiveness informs the development of and decision-making about K-12 ELA curricula: A mixed methods approach, Christa Tamanas Wade
The relationship between behavior-based goal groups and point-based school wide behavior systems, Ashley R. Walgren
Satisfaction and importance levels of undergraduate women at Rowan University, Kristin Marie Weinstein
Effect of mnemonics on the vocabulary acquisition and retention of high school students with learning disabilities, Erin L. Whitescarver
Office of Career Advancement Services: A quantitative study on career confidence as it relates to career readiness, Tara Lynn Wiese
Examining the role of professional orientation in how trustees of New Jersey's state colleges and universities experience their fiduciary responsibilities: A mixed methods study, Brittany Ann Williams-Goldstein
Taking the initiative: Exploring the usefulness of faculty-student interaction based on validation theory, Fidel Wilson
Investigation of preschool teachers perceptions, understandings, and practices related to resilience pedagogy: A qualitative single case study, Nancy Fern Ziobro
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The effectiveness of using speech-to-text technology to support writing of students with learning disabilities, Jennifer Adams
Improving the outcomes of the I & RS process for students with exceptional learning needs, Erica Alimario
The impact of mindfulness exercises on the verbal reactive behaviors of students identified with significant behavioral and emotional difficulties, Nicole Anderson
Locus of control, parents involvement and college disability accommodations, Olivia Sara Aquino
The impact of an elementary algebra course on student success in a college-level liberal arts math course and persistence in college, Lori Ann Austin
The impact of blogs in the classroom: a qualitative analysis of elementary students using blogs to respond to texts, Jessica Bakan
Effects of class-wide positive behavior supports on the academics of students with learning disabilities, Valerie Ann Budd
The effectiveness of the flipped classroom for students with learning disabilities in an Algebra I resource setting, Ashley Butterick
Commuter student and residential student mattering in an honors concentration, Jamie Marie Cattell
The effects of Kahoot! on vocabulary acquisition and retention of students with learning disabilities and other health impairments, Kathryn Elizabeth Ciaramella
A case study of community college faculty attitudes toward students with disabilities, Mary C. Clark
Enhancing teacher efficacy and pedagogical practices amongst general and special education teachers, Michael E. Coleman
Sports involvement and academic functioning in college students, Mikala Connery
The effects of graphic organizers to identify main idea and supporting details in informational text on students with learning disabilities, Heather Coombs
Living-learning communities: The impact of freshmen engineering students and influence of student workers, Felicia Crockett
Full disclosure: examining the experience of male faculty of color at a predominately white institution, Thomas A. Cruz-Soto Jr
Prevalence of substance use in high school students from the United States, Kelsey E. Damato
How does reciprocal teaching scaffold reading comprehension of non-fiction text?, Mary Delaney-Beane
Fluency development and young readers, Elizabeth Jenkins Diamant
Yo Importo: The Latina/o students' experience at Rowan University, Alma Diaz
Perceptions of supplemental instruction by nontraditional developmental students in a community college setting, Michael S. Dillard
The effect of the video game Quizlet on the acquisition of science vocabulary for children with learning disabilities, Kelsey Claire Donovan
Perceptions of co-teaching in the middle school English language arts classroom, Joseph M. Downey
How do student responses develop in second grade reading conferences, Lindsey Ervin
The effects of interactive word walls on students with learning disabilities in the secondary science classroom, Casey Elizabeth Eustace-DeBaun
The effectiveness of Strong Start curriculum on the social emotional competence of second grade students, Crystal Nicole Fewkes
The impact of a community of practice on the development of the three tiers of organizational intelligence in the institutional research professional, Rebecca S. Fidler-Sheppard
Using discrete trial to teach functional play skills, Courtney Marie Furtaw
Education master's students' perspectives on leaving the academy, AmyBeth Glass
The utilization of group art therapy as a framework to enhance relationship building skills among emotionally disturbed students, Kerith Lynn Glass
The effect of classwide peer tutoring on the academic performance and critical thinking of students with learning disabilities in an urban middle school inclusion social studies classroom, Andrew Robert Goulburn
Spelling instruction for students with learning disabilities, Rebecca Grochowicz
Parental involvement in college student transition: student achievement and student autonomy, Chelsea Katelyn Haines
The supervision of school nurses in New Jersey: parallel needs, actions, and impacts on student care, Lee-Ann Halbert
Learning Connections Inventory: making major decisions among undeclared students, Raven Alexis Holloway
An exploration of close reading strategies and 3rd grade comprehension, Loretta Cecilia Houck
A social norms study at Rowan University: alcohol and higher education, Kristen Nicole Jassin
Learning behaviors and academic readiness among preschool children in a private school, Chelsea L. Johnson
A mixed methods study of collaborating teacher leadership in Professional Development Schools (PDSs), Nedd James Johnson
Exploring the potential to motivate high school environmental science students with environmental justice: a mixed methods approach, Elliott Karetny
Examining the involvement patterns of international graduate students at Rowan University, Amanjot Kaur
Utilization of a school specific intervention manual to increase teacher perceptions of the I&RS process and reduce special education referrals, Jacqueline Jade Kelly
The effects of using Padlet on the academic performance and engagement of students in a fifth grade basic skills mathematics classroom, Cynthia Lynn Kleinsmith
Impact of sexual violence prevention programming at Rowan University, Emily Kofman
A qualitative case study of the congruence between fraternal organizations' and members' values, principles, and standards, Joseph P. Lizza
Reading with choice of texts in the first grade classroom, Erine Lloyd
Self-regulated learning and self-efficacy in prekindergarten students, Leonard Wayne Long
Dietetic students' lived experience working with preceptors: a phenomenology, Mary-Pat Maciolek
Shaping of maternal identity through parenting experiences of a child with a disability, Katlyn Lauren Martinez
The impact of song and movement on kindergarten sight word acquisition, Katy Martin
Involvement theory: an examination of community college student-athletes, Kaitlyn Marie Matthews
Can sensory strategies reduce tantruming to increase positive familial interactions?, Deborah Stacy Maule
A principal striving for effective instructional leadership in an era of accountability, Matthew J. Mazzoni
Overcoming isolation as a woman in the male-dominated superintendency, Melissa Ann McCooley
Academics and the student athlete: a mixed methods study on the role of athletics in the high school educational setting, Meredith McGee
The effects of classical music on children with learning disabilities in a sixth grade mathematics classroom, Amy C. McKeever
Independent reading: the power of self-selection and cafe discussions in a seventh grade classroom, Ashley Lauren Merkler
The effects of using digital texts on Chromebooks on the reading comprehension and academic engagement of elementary school students with learning disabilities in the inclusive classroom, Kimberly Michelle Milchanoski-Bach
Psychological distress and adjustment in college students, Donovan A. Miles
Fire safety training using video modeling in young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Amy Morgan
Background knowledge: a study of the effects background knowledge has on comprehension, Jacqueline Murtha
Vocabulary gamification vs traditional learning instruction in an inclusive high school classroom, Diana Nahmod
English Language Learners transitioning from high school to college: A case study on the Upward Bound program for ELLs at Rowan University, Margarita Olivencia