Current theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs are submitted electronically to Rowan University's Office of Graduate Research Services and are usually available in this institutional repository within a few weeks of submission. Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 have been migrated from the library’s previous digital archives and are available here.
As of 9/29/16, theses and dissertations produced between 1996 and 2010 have been scanned and uploaded. If you are the author of a Rowan University (or Glassboro State College) thesis or dissertation produced before 2010, and you do not want your document to be publicly available in Rowan Digital Works, you must complete and submit this form to request its removal from the repository.
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Exploring the policymaking process of school-based physical education: a Congressional perspective, Edward B. Olsen
"Reading is boring": a qualitative study on motivating first grade students through reading workshop, Lisa Marie Papandrea
The challenges of living with a roommate: the impact on students with disabilities' residential experience, Ashley Marie Payne
The effects of the online game Kahoot on science vocabulary acquisition, Joseph Pede
Examining the career transitions and transformations of an urban educator, Frank E. Penick Jr.
The effects of computer games on the mastery of multiplication facts for students with exceptional learning needs, Kristy Peters
Yoga and mindfulness in the inclusion classroom, Maria Petruzzelli
Implications of acceleration on student success course curriculum: a comparison of accelerated and traditional course modalities, Alice L. Picardo
An inquiry into the development of future speech-language pathologists: a mixed methods study, Kimberly Plotts
An exploratory investigation of the effects of power-solving, a social problem solving method, on students with communication impairments, Kylie Christine Pringle
The effect of implementation of the Developmental Designs for Middle School (DDMS) program on the social skills of 7th grade students, Emmalene Hall Probst
Benefits of sustained silent reading and self-monitoring for reluctant readers, Jamie Quinn
The power of performance: using songs and poetry to motivate English Language Learners to read in a third grade classroom, Dana Nelson Reilly
Victimization and perpetration in cyber and in-person aggression among young adults in intimate relationship, Christina Anita Rossi
Using ClassDojo to promote positive behaviors and decrease negative behaviors in the classroom, Abigail Marquis Saeger
Impact of mindset on literacy: what happens to literacy skills when a growth mindset is taught to first graders, Katherine Saia
Effects of Self-Regulated Strategy Development on the persuasive essay writing of seventh grade students with disabilities, Amanda Scrivani
The impact of hip-hop culture on freshman student identity, David Shanks
Making sense of school reform: a case study of mathematics and science teachers' sensemaking with one district's differentiation and detracking initiatives, Katelyn Daplyn Skinner
The power of partners: a qualitative study on the effects of long-term partnerships during Writing Workshop, Nicole Smith
Leadership Rowan: Impact on student development of self-authorship, Rebecca Kraft Spinks
The effects of daily yoga practice on the academic engagement and achievement of middle school students in a special education classroom, Ellen C. Sternberg
The impact of mathematics, science and language arts writing to learn strategies on the culture of learning in primary and secondary students, Ronnie Tarchichi
Improving induction of new preschool to 12th grade teachers through differentiated induction activities tailored to individual teachers' needs, Timothy Teehan
Factors that lead to the success of inner city Hispanic students in STEM dual enrollment: a mixed methods study, Anjali C. Thanawala
Improving the quality of homework of culturally and linguistically diverse students through translation for parents, Robin Thorne
Reflections of diverse voices: A narrative study exploring the relationship between multicultural dual language experiences and cultural competence, Helen M. Tinsley
Attitudes toward accommodations and academic well-being of college students with disabilities, Alex Elizabeth Troccoli
The relationship between mindfulness and stress among college students, Elizabeth Marie Vonderheyde
A qualitative case study describing the relationship of physical activity and classroom behaviors expectations for elementary students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Steven Robert Wehrle
Examining the complexity of educational attainment for Black males in an Educational Opportunity Fund program at a community college, LaVon Williams
Commuter students and involvement theory, Yamesha Woodley
The relationship between peer tutoring and learning styles at Rowan University, Marissa Jean Wood
Academic emotion and self-efficacy impacting sense of math class belonging in college students, Kaitlyn Yavorsky
The impact of academic advising on developing purpose and selecting a major through exploratory studies, Michalina Zelazny
Effects of implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards on the math performance of 5th grade students with ADHD, Robert Zimmer
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The challenges that international students face when integrating into higher education in the United States, Raja Almurideef
Rowan University's Rowan 101 Transfer Seminar: impact on transfer students, Michele Applegate
Nonfiction interests and reading habits of third grade students, Kimberly Astacio
Implementing state initiatives in a PK-1 primary school: a case study exploring instructional leadership, Jennifer Baldwin
The effect of a brief yoga practice on learning, Brittany Ballard
The effects of self-monitoring using an iPad to increase on-task behaviors of high school students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Christina Bamford
First-year students: investigating the impact of participating in a mathematics learning community, Lindsay Barrie
The effect of the video game Quizlet on the acquisition of science vocabulary for children with learning disabilities, Deborah Ann Boyce
Connection between effort and academic success in learning disabled students identified with learned helplessness, Nancy D. Braunwell
Professional development: teacher as learner for differentiated instruction, Marilyn L. Castellano
Differences in interview responses provided to researchers based on their ethnicity, Phenice Chapman-Walker
Effects of professional development on co-teaching on 5th grade students with exceptional learning needs, Wade J. Chilmonik
An analysis of a middle school curriculum: through the lens of personal responsibility, social responsibility, and social justice, Kristen Ashley Clark
Involvement patterns of international students and their overall college experience, Kesiane C. Costa-String
Adjunct faculty sensemaking in the context of a student success initiative at a community college, Denise-Marie Coulter
Total Physical Response and the Natural Approach to teaching foreign language to students with disabilities, Jessica Lynn Dalessandro
The effects of Google Classroom on teaching social studies for students with learning disabilities, Kathleen M. DiCicco
The effectiveness of the Word Study program on teaching elementary students with learning disabilities, Catherine Marie DiPierro
The implementation of a new teacher evaluation model: a qualitative case study of how teachers make sense of the Marzano Evaluation Model, Brian P. Donahue
Comparing math fluency and automaticity using explicit timing with students with disabilities, Andrew Ehala
Using critical literacies to instruct through multicultural text to enhance comprehension, higher order thinking skills, and respect for other diversities, Shannon Moncrief Enders
Google Classroom for third grade writing, Jessi Fallon
The Experiences of Community College Trustees During Their First Year of Service: A Phenomenological Study, Jacob Farbman
Exploring alternate route science teacher development of pedagogical content knowledge, Kim Feltre
Outcome of implementing multisensory instruction with second grade students who struggle with reading, Elissa Anne Fisher
Involvement patterns of campus recreation employees, Justin Fletcher
In their voices, with their words: a case study of student success in accelerated developmental writing courses, Shawnda Lynae Floyd
Town and gown relations: finding equitable prosperity for neighborhood resident stakeholders, Ian T. Foley
Effectiveness of Pivotal Response Training as a peer-mediated strategy to increase social interactions for students with autism spectrum disorder and communication disorders, Alyssa Erin Friedrich
The effect of content-related and unrelated break activities on test results, Ryan Gentek
The effect of social stories on the socialization and self-control of preschool children with disabilities, Jessica German
An exploratory investigation of third graders' use of blogs to critically respond to texts, Lisa A. Gilbert
The effects of using the GoMath program on teaching computation skills for students with learning disabilities, Patricia Virginia Giordano
Comparing video modeling to discrete trial teaching for teaching daily living skills, Nicole Angelina Gubernick
Recruitment and retention of Hispanic nursing students: through the lens of associate degree nursing program administrators and Hispanic nursing students, Debra Jean Handlos Devoe
The effects of social skill training in a simulated community environment for adolescents with cognitive impairments, Jessica Harrison
A quantitative study on student perception of campus climate for diversity at a predominantly white institution, Tyler O. Harrison
An Investigation of the Impact of Multiple Exposures to New Vocabulary Words have on Students with Language Processing Disorders, Erin E. Higgins
News outlets in social media: aggression in comments, Leslie G. Holt
The effects on student understanding when questioning techniques are used during the reading of informational text, Ashleyann R. Iannelli
Understanding how the interaction between the community college and the underprepared student positions the student's developmental educational outcomes, Alberta Mary Jaeger
What can the lit lab do for you? a qualitative analysis of high school literacy lab participants, Bridget P. Jaensch
Strategies for teaching developmental mathematics students at the college level, Natalie Lynn Kautz
Students' lived experiences of the realization of academic wrongness (RAW), Dana Carol Kemery
Do formative assessment strategies help learners with academic difficulties?, Dana King
An assessment of a community college's grow-your-own leadership program: perceptions of program graduates and community college staff members: a sequential mixed-method case study, Keith Lee Kirkland
Study skills self monitoring for adolescents with ADHD, Rachel Michelle Lesse
The effects of the RIDE strategy on teaching word problem solving skills to students with learning disabilities, Sandra Kay Locke
Fostering humanism in medicine: a mixed methods study on the influence of humanism in medicine workshops on medical student empathy, Marion J. Lombardi
Examining the impact of community factors on student truancy, Juan Jose Lorenzo
Literacy choice in a first grade classroom, Lisa Marie Maletta
Empowering High School Students to Develop Leadership Skills and Increase Student and School Engagement, Corlette D. Mays
Emergent literacy intervention in first grade struggling readers, Colleen Erin McGettigan
Contest or congruence: the effects of work/school conflict and facilitation on working college students, Madeline Mareen Miscenich
Leadership development and ethnic identity of Latina/o students at Rowan University, Andrew Montanez
Do I belong? Narratives of sense of belonging and fit from underrepresented African American and Latina women in science undergraduate majors, Jacqueline Shantell Moore