Current theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs are submitted electronically to Rowan University's Office of Graduate Research Services and are usually available in this institutional repository within a few weeks of submission. Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 have been migrated from the library’s previous digital archives and are available here.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Reading conferences and impact on literacy learning, Ashley Butenewicz Danter
Small places, big outcomes: An ethnographic case study on social emotional learning skills and development, organizational culture, and place-making in small, rural schools in southern New Jersey, Christina Marie DiDonato Dillon
Understanding attraction, behavior, and identity in the asexual community, Corey Doremus
A grounded theory of professional development preferences of millennial educational professionals, Bobbie M. Downs
Barriers that impede foreign-born and educated male nursing students' success in a United States nursing program: A case study, Lisa Marie Dunn
Transcultural and translinguistic Latinx discourses: Challenging raciolinguistic discourses in a school community - towards a frame of resistance, Madjiguene Salma Bah Fall
The impact of multicultural books in a first grade classroom, Lindsay Fox
Successful community college students: A case study of the path to transfer, Nancy Gartland
Black male college students' perspectives on the contribution of black student organizations to their development of soft skills, Shanice Angela Glover
Using families' Funds of Knowledge literacy to enhance family-school relationships, Kaitlyn Greenwood
The impact of high-intensity work on student employees from disadvantaged social backgrounds, Jessica Della Hassell
Exploration of first-generation student-athlete experiences at a suburban Division III institution, Mandy Jiang
Emotional support animals on campus: An analysis of student experience, Timothy Alexander Lauth
A grounded theory of the impact of TEACHNJ on the instructional leadership of superintendents, Russell Matthew Lazovick
On the field of school choice: Conversations capturing white middle class maternal privilege: A case study, Jill Tabachnick Levi
You say you want a revolution: A multiple case study of diversity and inclusion messages to transform engineering culture, Stephanie Lezotte
The use of culturally relevant picture books to enhance social and emotional learning in a fourth grade classroom, Kelly Livingston
University hookup culture: Convenient or a path to sexual assault?, Gabriella Longenbach
"It Goes Both Ways" : How white teachers view and respond to culture in the diverse classroom, Danielle Martin
Third grade students collaborate and construct meaning using new literacies, Amanda Marie Mazzella
Effects of a well-being retreat on college students, William Wikoff McMillan
Utilizing multicultural literature to foster critical literacy in a secondary English classroom, Denise Giaimo McNaughton
Women of color in higher education, Melissa Minaya
Direct instruction in blending and segmenting phonemes, Stephanie D. Minosse
Creating inclusive classrooms through culturally responsive pedagogy, Tracy R. Norman
The forgotten voices: African American male adult learners and their experiences in higher education, Ajeenah H. Nuriddin-Little
Organizational factors that contribute to the persistence of two-year transfer athletes at Division I four-year institutions: A multiple case study, Mensah Peterson
Bridge or barrier?, Andrea Denise Piercy
Using distributed leadership to impact student achievement, Jeffrey Pierro
The experiences of first-generation master's students, Dominique A. Pierson
College choice, consumer behavior, and gender enrollment patterns: A mixed methods case study of Marathon University, Jessica I. Prach
A program evaluation of the Academic Reboot Program at Rowan University, Kayla Raparelli
Career-advising from the primary role academic advisor's viewpoint: A qualitative case study, Julia Elizabeth Rey
The impact of academic advising on graduate students' perceptions of their academic success, Jason Salvatore
New Jersey community college and high school Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP) partnerships case study, Darlene Mary Schapley
Until superheroes learn how to use their power: Exploring the triple consciousness of African American male students identified as dis/abled, Janelle N. Smith-Alexander
The impact of sense of belonging in first-generation college students on GPA and retention, Lynda Smith
Using multicultural read aloud books to support student understanding of character education themes, Elizabeth A. Somers
The benefits of examining multicultural literature with a critical lens in elementary school, Nicole Stamato-Pasaniello
Engaging students in culturally relevant morning meetings, Melissa A. Vandine
The impact of residence hall construction type on student engagement, Gene Jabar Washington
Are we prepared?: A quantitative study of elementary school counselors' knowledge, skills, and dispositions to working with LGBTQ youth, Kristina D. Weiss
College students with disabilities' perceptions of an academic coaching program provided by Disability Resources, Benjamin Zachariah Wilner
What happens when emergent readers use talk and reader response journals to comprehend text?, Sarah E. Wint
An awakening awareness: Exploring teachers understandings of culturally sustaining pedagogy in the diverse classroom, Lauren Zorzi
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Superintendent and public Board of Education members overcoming controversial policy, Donna Ambrosius
Using critical literacy with 4th and 5th graders in a book club format, Danielle N. Barbato
Reading Recovery with guided reading supplementation, Katelyn Barok
Investigating the use of technology in communication exchanges and visual support for students with autism, Angela Barone
Decreasing chronic absenteeism rate for students with disabilities: One call or text at a time, Richard Dean Branco
How does performance funding impact the open access mission of community colleges in Massachusetts?, Walter T. Brooks
Understanding alternative education student self-efficacy related to experiential and organizational factors, Megan Maczonis Brown
How do teachers, counselors, and administrators describe their roles in working with English language learners?, Myrtelina Martinez Cabrera
Effects of using Google Classroom on teaching math students with learning disabilities, Margaret Cacace
The benefit of using peer buddies in adaptive physical education, Julie Anne Cairone
Using multisensory instruction to support reading growth in a fifth grade general education classroom, Alexis C. Cassese-Pawlowski
Perceptions of teachers regarding the efficacy of inclusion in primary classroom settings, Tara Catherine Chapman
Student distractibility with school-issued computers, Emily Mae Conaway
Understanding annual giving & what motivates young alumni to give to their alma mater: A mixed methods study, Danielle Davis
A replication study on the impact of Rowan After Hours student employment on student engagement, Eleni Dendrinos
Self-reflection among teachers of culturally diverse learners: An intervention study exploring the influence of cultural identity, Susan A. Dube
Cooperative grouping in the inclusive STEM classroom, Catherine M. Elsey
An analysis of high school students' self-efficacy in second language acquisition through digital language lab learning: Exploring new pathways to proficiency, Lorna A. Fairess
The effect of classwide peer tutoring on the skill performance and fitness levels of students with disabilities in an elementary physical education inclusion class, Christopher Farrell
The influence of Pentecostal social networks on Latino student college choice, Michael J. Farrow
Effects of cooperative learning strategies on the academic self-concept of special education students, Leah Flora Feldman
The effectiveness of character education on student behavior, Katie M. Ferrara
The effects of peer mediated instruction on students' knowledge of basic math facts, Jazmine Fields
Reducing suspension rates in Camden, New Jersey, Christina Fleming
The influence of fraternity and sorority membership on retention and GPA at Rowan University, Arthur Gathercole Jr.
An assessment of IRB member values using the IRB Researcher Assessment Tool, Andrew Gerber
College readiness: The disconnect between high school and community college, Elizabeth C. Giacobbe
Persistence of veteran students at Cumberland County College, LaToya Latisha Gibbons
The effects of using mini whiteboards on the academic performance and engagement of students in a tenth grade resource English/Language Arts classroom, Elizabeth Catherine Gimbutas
Implementation of literacy strategies and the impact on word problems, Lindsey R. Glick
The effectiveness of Google Classroom in the self-contained chemistry classroom, Steven J. Gross
Integrating technology into the literacy curriculum within a first grade classroom, Christina M. Hargrove
The effect of leadership programs on engagement, Megan Ann Henry
White faculty perceptions of diversity and diversity work, Ariane Hutchins-Newman
The effectiveness of growth mindset strategies on off-task time in a special education mathematics classroom, Alisa Marie Ialacci
Will teaching PECS to vocal and non-vocal students increase social interactions?, Patricia Kathleen Infantino
An exploratory case study on the perceived effectiveness of co-teaching and a need for professional development, Jaquelyn M. Joas-Foy
The impact of physical space in the College Union and students' sense of community on campus, Erik A. Johnson
The effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy on the anxiety and school attendance of students with disabilities, Lisa M. Klink
Does participation in special education services in pre-kindergarten mitigate the need for services beyond third grade?, Cynthia Ann LaMonaca
The influence of career motivation on college major choice, Candace R. Lehmann
Effects of differentiating instruction through tiered lessons in special education secondary mathematics, Katlyn Lewis
An exploratory investigation of the effect of reading strategies on science assessment scores, Suzanne K. Lynch
Examining teacher perceptions of the Stronge Teacher Effectiveness Performance Evaluation System, Tiffany A. Lynch
First graders identify sight words in self-selected texts during independent reading, Michelle L. Mangaro
The effectiveness of the question formulation technique on open-ended, written response questions in mathematics, Jessica M. Mannion
A study of the collaborative strategies of general education and special education teachers in the inclusion classroom in an urban high school, Angela McDougall
Impact of a leadership development intervention on career decision-making self-efficacy of community college students: A quasi-experimental research design, Sarah Jane McElroy
Are technology coordinators teaching teachers to teach with tech? A sequential explanatory mixed-methods study, Paula McGraw
Common factors that benefit and hinder the co-teaching partnership in the high school setting, Kaitlyn Nicole Muller
Is the competent learner model effective for students with autism?, Christopher Robert O'Brien
Successful transition planning for individuals diagnosed with ASD: A comparison of sending and receiving school districts, Carly J. Olcese