Approved theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs have been made available to the public on Rowan Digital Works since 2015. Theses and dissertations submitted in digital format between 2010 and 2015, or submitted in paper format between 1996 and 2010 and later scanned, are also available in Rowan Digital Works.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Independent reading: the power of self-selection and cafe discussions in a seventh grade classroom, Ashley Lauren Merkler
The effects of using digital texts on Chromebooks on the reading comprehension and academic engagement of elementary school students with learning disabilities in the inclusive classroom, Kimberly Michelle Milchanoski-Bach
Psychological distress and adjustment in college students, Donovan A. Miles
The significance of a high resolution 2D hydraulic model including green infrastructure for assessment of coastal community vulnerability and resilience, Katie M. Miller
Fire safety training using video modeling in young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Amy Morgan
Heterogeneous anisotropy index and scaling in multiphase random polycrystals, Muhammad Ridwan Murshed
Background knowledge: a study of the effects background knowledge has on comprehension, Jacqueline Murtha
Vocabulary gamification vs traditional learning instruction in an inclusive high school classroom, Diana Nahmod
How having a child with special needs affects family functioning in families of different types, Victoria Nascati
English Language Learners transitioning from high school to college: A case study on the Upward Bound program for ELLs at Rowan University, Margarita Olivencia
Exploring the policymaking process of school-based physical education: a Congressional perspective, Edward B. Olsen
Structural strength evaluation and retrofitting of Hangar Q At Millville Airport, Harshdutta Indradutta Pandya
"Reading is boring": a qualitative study on motivating first grade students through reading workshop, Lisa Marie Papandrea
Automatic analysis of surface electromyography of reflexes for central nervous system inhibition during pregnancy, Neda Parvin
The challenges of living with a roommate: the impact on students with disabilities' residential experience, Ashley Marie Payne
The effects of the online game Kahoot on science vocabulary acquisition, Joseph Pede
Examining the career transitions and transformations of an urban educator, Frank E. Penick Jr.
Factors influencing health behaviors in those at risk for developing schizophrenia, Adriana C. Pennacchi
The effects of computer games on the mastery of multiplication facts for students with exceptional learning needs, Kristy Peters
Yoga and mindfulness in the inclusion classroom, Maria Petruzzelli
Implications of acceleration on student success course curriculum: a comparison of accelerated and traditional course modalities, Alice L. Picardo
An inquiry into the development of future speech-language pathologists: a mixed methods study, Kimberly Plotts
An exploratory investigation of the effects of power-solving, a social problem solving method, on students with communication impairments, Kylie Christine Pringle
The effect of implementation of the Developmental Designs for Middle School (DDMS) program on the social skills of 7th grade students, Emmalene Hall Probst