Current theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs are submitted electronically to Rowan University's Office of Graduate Research Services and are usually available in this institutional repository within a few weeks of submission. Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 have been migrated from the library’s previous digital archives and are available here.
As of 9/29/16, theses and dissertations produced between 1996 and 2010 have been scanned and uploaded. If you are the author of a Rowan University (or Glassboro State College) thesis or dissertation produced before 2010, and you do not want your document to be publicly available in Rowan Digital Works, you must complete and submit this form to request its removal from the repository.
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
A study of relational aggression among middle school girls, Susanne R. Wooton
A case study: the development, influence, and evaluation of a site-based management/advisory group on the role of the principal at the Delair Elementary School, Curt R. Wrzeszczynski
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Building a professional learning community, Joanne T. Acerba
Transition from school to adult life: what have we done to support students with disabilities?, Ann Theresa Adams
The effect of cooperative learning on the mathematical achievement of fifth grade students, Stefanie A. Anderson
A study of the effectiveness of Saxon Phonics on phonemic awareness, DawnMarie Bach
Innovative scheduling, Brian J. Barg
The comparison of two rhythm syllable systems on the meter recognition abilities of second and third grade students, Richard D. Beckman II
The effects of self-management and positive reinforcement on the off-task behavior of students with ADHD, Cari McGaffney Bonner
A preliminary analysis: children aged birth to two with ASD and the early intervention methodologies of ABA, PECS, and floor-time, Erin L. Boyle
Bullying and self-esteem, Julie Boyle
A study of adult patron library use and satisfaction with the Federal Street branch of the Camden City Free Public Library, Aaron L. Brown
A study of ten sadist women for signs of specific patterns throughout the school years, Orlando Bru
Analysis of small learning communities on suburban schools, Matthew G. Campbell
Students' perceptions of the effectiveness of selective physical education, June Cioffi
The professional roundtable: developing novice teachers, Tanya Clark
B.A.B.E.S. implementation and its relationship to locus of control and self-concept, Dana M. Collins
Evaluation in-service program for professional development, Aida Colon
A comparison study on self-esteem of students with learning disabilities in different educational placements, Kara A. Cooper
How can technology be used to improve instruction and student learning?, Frank Corley
The effect of student journals on achievement in and attitudes toward science, Holly Cowell
Collection development of non-Christian religious holiday books in elementary school libraries, Kelly Bigley Craig
A study in the effectiveness of the three to get ready program in promoting language learning, Megan Crank
Identifying the attitudes of Rowan University's College of Education graduate students towards web-enhanced courses and the use of WebCT, Kathy J. Cyliax
Evaluating the effectiveness of a peer mediation program in an elementary school setting, Theresa M. Davidson
The effect of the Wilson Reading Program on spelling skills in an inclusive sixth grade setting, Kathleen A. Dellinger
A library use study of Deptford High School seniors' English paper resources, Anne Denning
Hands-on manipulative use in science instruction, Bianca Lee Domenico
Evaluation of custodial staff members, Roseanne Donnelly
An exploratory study of student satisfaction of the Rowan University Recreation Center, Joseph J. Dougherty III
Socioeconomic status and locus of control, Allegra Nicole Esposito
Designing, implementing, and evaluating a homework policy and its effects on discipline at the George L. Hess educational complex, C. David Evangelist
An integration approach to character education in the high school, Janet T. Farrell
Public school counselors' attitudes to suicide/suicide intervention, Robert S. Felloney
Analysis of instructional technology in the Runnemede school district, David Gentile
The effect of rubrics on second grade students' abilities to write a personal story, Ann Marie Germani
The effectiveness and value of a character education program administered to a group of second and third grade students with learning disabilities, Adriana Germano
Teachers' attitudes towards inclusion, Dawn Giacchi
What motivates college students to volunteer? using the Volunteer Functions Inventory., Jennifer Giorgio
Socioeconomics, self-esteem and locus of control in third grade students, Kathryn S. Gipe
Does the Accelerated Reader program motivate fifth grade students to read beyond the classroom?, Paula A. Girard
Using background music to reduce off-task behaviors of students with learning disabilities, Lesa DeShield Givens
Budget expenditures of high school library media centers in southern New Jersey, Patricia V. Glave
A research study of school uniforms on academic achievement, attendance, and behavior referrals in third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students, Jennifer Gonnella
Building a community for learning by creating a school management team at Rittenberg Middle School, John P. Griffith
An investigation of the effects grade retention has on students' academic performance, Tyree Gunter
Distance learning in the Pitman school district: a window on the world, Marsha K. Hahn
The effects of grouping fourth grade students into cooperative learning groups by learning patterns, Kelly A. Hamlet
The integration of personnel and budgetary software databases at Upper Deerfield Township schools, Bruce D. Harbinson
Social studies and the internet, Kristen Heider
The effects of administrative change on school environment, Dale H. Horner
From challenge to triumph: the voices of African American male students at Mid-Atlantic University, Ted Nicholas Ingram
The effect of daily "sustained silent reading" in improving fluency, word recognition, and reading comprehension skills for mild cognitive impaired students, Elizabeth Kandabarow
Cooperative learning and its effects on social interactions in the third grade, Robin A. Keller-Vicino
Evaluating the effectiveness and use of the peer mediation program in the Galloway Township Middle School, Susan Kerrigan
Improving children's reading comprehension skills through parental involvement, Aughtney D. Khan
An exploratory study to determine procedures for implementation and evaluation of pupil assistance committees, Joyce E. Klemic
Effective vocabulary development for secondary students in weekly small-group sessions, Susan L. Lange
The relationship between parental anxiety, depression and distress and their child's social competency, behavior and emotional regulation in a children's partial hospital program, Melisa Maria LaSpada
The impact of a residential substance abuse treatment for women, Loretta Lemon
The effects of writing process instruction on student compositions, Kelly K. Letcher
Has technology created a safer school environment?, Mark Leung
Camden City Environmental Center site based curriculum and teacher activity guide, Wanda D. Little
Personality differences in terms of temperament between teachers of regular education students and teachers of developmentally disabled students, Melissa Masella
The effects of collaboration between the elementary teacher and educational media specialist on non-required student library usage, Kimberly A. McCauley
Implementation of a peer mediation program, Darin B. McDonald
Bully-proofing, Kevin M. McGloin
The effect of manipulative materials on student motivation, Deirdre Morrissey
School-based management: leadership hand in hand, Terrence O'Connor Jr.
Cognitive writing strategies, Arlene A. Paris
The effect of character education on student behavior, Cindy Patella
The effect of cooperative learning and traditional instruction on the spelling performance of third grade students, Tracey Patella
A study to identify factors associated with readmission to a psychiatric hospital in adults attending a partial care program, Tammy M. Pedrick
The educational role of United States Holocaust museums/centers, Christie Peterson
The competitive female skater: what motivates her?, Jennifer L. Pfeffer
An analysis of improving teacher efficacy to enhance student learning by developing an evaluation instrument for special education teachers, Sollie J. Pinkston-Miles
Spelling attitudes and abilities of secondary students, Michael C. Porter
Funding and implementing a sixth grade environmental camping trip, Stewart Potter
Parental involvement as a tool to lower repeat suspension offenses, Steven W. Price
The effects of the development and implementation of the school sanctuary program on safety and the climate of safety at Egg Harbor Township High School, Theodore Pugliese
A link between handedness, gender, socioeconomics, race, and parental involvement and learning disabilities, Heather Reiss
The multiple dimensions of negative attitudes toward school among students in an urban high school environment, Scott W. Revell
School reform: the impact on teaching practices, Carol J. Reynolds
Diversity in education: changing faces, Angela Rose-Bounds
Designing, implementing, and determining the effectiveness of a peer coaching program, Catherine Russo
Relationship of family involvement and functioning among mentally ill adults, Sharon A. Sabatino
The development and implementation of a multifaceted model for differentiated teacher evaluation to improve student achievement, Nancy L. Schumacher
Effects of a metacognitive think-aloud strategy used to improve reading comprehension in a group of third graders, Megan C. Scully
A study of the effectiveness of the Wilson Fundations Program when applied to a group of children with mild to moderate special needs, Annette J. Sessa
The urban/suburban wildlife survey volunteer project, Larissa L. Smith
An experimental study of tonal pattern training and learning modalities on the pitch accuracy of first grade students, Melissa C. Strong
A study to determine how many person hours are expended by learning consultants and school psychologists to complete an evaluation from initial referral to final placement, Maria Mercedes Styron
An exploratory investigation of the value selected academics place on faculty internship programs, James M. Summers
The effect of social skills training for elementary students with learning disabilities, Patricia M. Swenson
Teachers' perspectives on grade retention: is it effective?, Joseph Terch IV
A retrospective analysis of factors contributing to successful inclusive placements, Erin L. Tibetts