Current theses and dissertations from Rowan University graduate programs are submitted electronically to Rowan University's Office of Graduate Research Services and are usually available in this institutional repository within a few weeks of submission. Theses and dissertations submitted between 2010 and 2015 have been migrated from the library’s previous digital archives and are available here.
As of 9/29/16, theses and dissertations produced between 1996 and 2010 have been scanned and uploaded. If you are the author of a Rowan University (or Glassboro State College) thesis or dissertation produced before 2010, and you do not want your document to be publicly available in Rowan Digital Works, you must complete and submit this form to request its removal from the repository.
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Assessing the effectiveness of crisis management for the staff of the Uptown School Complex, Michele Tourigian-McGettigan
The social construction of academic success of learning disabled college students, Robin D. Waltman
The effects of word study: a developmental and discovery based approach to spelling, Jessica Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Title IX Compliance in intercollegiate athletics, Michelle Andre
Understanding the need to transition high school students from school to work, Christopher Armstrong
Test anxiety and age: as we grow older do we become more test anxious?, Sharon Arnold
A survey of students' attitudes on the implementation of an integrated high school mathematics program, Lori Ann Austin
Teacher mentoring: the needs of first year teachers, Susan E. Barkowski
The effect of computer-assisted instruction for students with central auditory processing disorder using the Fast ForWord program, Michelle L. Barrett
The effect of teacher intervention, role modeling, and a gender-balanced bulletin board design on 10th grade male students' writing apprehension, Laurie Bartolomeo
The public librarian's role in teaching information literacy, Elizabeth A. Battelini
Research a formative method and instrument for staff evaluations, Mary Benatti
Effective classroom strategies for students with ADHD, Jennifer A. Berenguer
Block scheduling and its effect on the academic performance of students with learning disabilities, Paul J. Blass
MIDI sequencing in the elementary classroom, Jann M. Bradshaw
The effects of cooperative learning on mathematics achievement for third grade students, Angelina M. Carione
Has the adoption of whole school reform benefitted eighth grade students at Cantrell Middle School?, Derrick L. Carrington
Alternative discipline: "in or out", V. Anthony Cattani
The impact of computer-assisted mathematics instruction for secondary students with learning disabilities, Shirley A. Celentano
The relationship between foreign language ability and achievement in other school subjects, Samantha J. Chabotar
Aftermath of 9-11: stress levels during January 2002 from Manhattan to California, Terryl Chapman
The effect of interactive bulletin boards on mathematics achievement in fourth grade, Kathleen M. Charlton
The awareness and use of standards-based mathematics curriculums in secondary schools of southern New Jersey, Nancy D. Ciandella
Restructuring the district's high school guidance department, Margaret L. Corcoran
When human life begins, Susan K.P. Das
The effects of breakfast on the school-aged child, Alicea J. Davis
Measuring the sense of community in a magnet school, Marianne Dell
Community Service Plan, Joseph DePalma
Instituting issue-based civics in the 11th grade classroom, Nicholas J. DiBlasi and Carissa Larkin
New Egypt High School's single lunch: "It's common sense", Joseph DiPietro
The effects of the direct instruction with computer-assisted instruction in reading for students with learning disabilities, Arlene M. Dowd
Electronic Teacher Portfolio, Linda H. Drucker and Marguerite A. Paolone
The effect of different modes of communication for the deaf student on verbal achievement, Maureen A. Dugan
Study of the use of telecommunications in the classroom, Ed Ewing
The effects of social problem-solving training in an inclusive kindergarten classroom, Kimberly R. Fontana
Dual diagnosed clients and rate of relapse, Michele Fredericks
A study of the continuing library education patterns of public librarians in New Jersey, Mathew J. Freund
Implementing a bully prevention program at the sixth grade level, Janis E. Gansert
The effectiveness of teaching moral development on the ethical decisions of first and second grade children, Anna M. Grant
An evaluation of the effectiveness of the McGraw-Hill Mathematics Series for use with inclusion students, Margaret C. Green
Using self-management strategies to increase on-task behavior of students with ADD/ADHD, Carolyn M. Porretta Grossi
Increasing social relationships among kindergartners using peer reporting, Christine A. Gruenler
Design a discipline code with staff that reflects board policy and provides a framework for the change of a school from K-5 to K-4, Margaret L. Haynes
The effects of self-esteem instruction for children with disabilities, James Henderson
A study of self-esteem in middle children, Louise Henshaw
Implementing a teacher mentor program, Nan L. Holland
Summer school safety net: a chance for all to achieve, Denise Horton
Extrinsic/intrinsic motivational study, Steven R. Howard
The relationship between thematic teacher teaming and its effects upon student achievement and cross-curricula cohesiveness, LaKecia C. Hyman
Teacher attitudes toward inclusion, Megan E. Ireland
Non-certificated staff evaluation instruments that are meaningful and promote improved job performance, Doris J. Isaacs
A comparison study on collaboration between regular and special education teachers, Beverly L. Johnson
Reading achievement: a comparison of inclusion, pull-out, and combined approaches for students with learning disabilities, Ethel J. Jones
The effects of social skills training to improve peer acceptance for students with disabilities, Jennifer L. Knoll
The effects of a social and emotional learning curriculum on the academic achievement of high school students, Lyn J. Langford
WebQuest Depository, Ella Lee
The effects of parent training on parent-child interactions in an urban community, Christina Lewis
Average effort extended in person hours to complete an initial child study team evaluation, Lisa Hak Licciardello
A descriptive history of the discipline of athletic training education, Scott M. Lisher
The effects of character education on the moral decision making of a selected sample of high school students, Carol E. Lively
Implementation of effective practices by special education teachers in the classroom, Rae Malkiewicz
Effects of learning style on performance outcome in a distance education setting, Karen M. Mattison
Patterns of extracurricular participation in high school, Adrienne McDermott
Discipline problems: ways of improvement, Teresa McGaney-Guy
A descriptive analysis of NCAA Divisions I, II, and III compliance programs, Michele McGowan
The perceptions of tenure and alternatives to tenure among faculty at a mid-sized regional university in a large northeastern state, Patricia McGrath
Academic achievement team - a school within a school program: does specialized remediation increase test scores?, Donald F. Mills
Kindergarten to fourth grade student code of conduct, Carrieann L. Molnar
A comparative study of third-grade students' use of children's web directories, Kristin Montanero
Gender role differences in relation to family of origin, Laura M. Moran
The effects of viewing television violence on school children, Jennifer M. Morgan
The relationship of biological parent or relative involvement and academic success among special education students, James Murtaugh
A study of the effectiveness of a structured tutoring program on student reading skills, Rita M. Neyer
Multiculturalism and the media: using racially motivated films to increase attitudes about race, Nacovin J. Norman
Handedness distribution in a transitional first grade population, Susan Paladino
Directed teaching and constructivist teaching and technology, Brandy Patch
The identification of best practices for teaching students with limited English proficiency and degree of implementation in Salem and Cumberland counties, Alice Nezu Peterson
Parental involvement and its effects on student academic achievement, Kevin G. Pinkett
The effects of grouping in social studies on the enjoyment, motivation, and successful learning when reading informative texts, Pamela D. Pitt
Multiple intelligences and teachers' use of the school library media center, Jacqueline Albright Pugh
Enhancing teacher education through the use of technology, Tracey Reed
A study of how school board members acquire their knowledge of educational issues, Susan L. Rice
The effects of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) to decrease impulsive behaviors and increase self-management skills of children with autism, Lori A. Rizzo-Wise
The effects of sleep patterns on academic performance among school-age children, Evelyn M. Rosa
A technique for converting NFA's and DFA's to regular expressions in Lex, Gregory Safko
A comparison of the effects of integrating special education preschoolers with their nondisabled peers, Christina Donio Sansone
Effect of whole language instruction in reading comprehension scores of first grade students, Jeffrey A. Shone
The effects of Naltrexone on severe self-injurious behavior in inpatient adults with developmental disabilities, Kimberly L. Simmerman
The behavioral effects of placing emotionally disturbed students in an alternative school day setting, Allen Randall Smith
The effects of character education on fourth grade students' attitudes toward in-school behavior, Jenna S. Snyder
Integrating the TI-83 Plus calculator into the classroom: a workshop for teachers, Jonathan Scott Strong
A study of certification for the middle grade mathematics teacher, James E. Thompson
The effect of male timbre vocal modeling in falsetto and non-falsetto on the singing and pitch accuracy of second grade students, Douglas Adam Tranz
Inclusion, the forced game plan for levelling the playing field: one high school's first attempt, Rebecca Tribbett
The effects of authentic assessment in elementary school science, Timothy L. Trow
The effect of color as a visual aid in mathematics instruction, Jennifer L. Valinote
The association between learning processes and formal music electives among sixth grade music students, Anthony C. Varga